On-line classes
"This class is a great alternative to in person music class. Heather is able to keep my child engaged and active in musical learning in an online environment. The time flies by as I assist my child to get the most out of this experience."
- Christiana
While there are so many benefits to having class in community in the studio, during very particular times it is sometimes preferred to have more limited physical contact. That being said, families can still enjoy a teacher facilitated Kindermusik class at home. Kindermusik has always been promoted as an opportunity to make music together as families, and online classes take it one step further by showing you what you can use in your own home to creatively make Kindermusik come alive in new ways. We show you how to transform a pot-lid into a cymbal, or how to make a sheet into a parachute. Most importantly, we show you how to make music everyday with what you have readily available. Parents should plan on participating with their child throughout the online class.
Life is meant to be lived every day!

"Online music has been such a blessing for us! So easy! I must say in these cold days it's nice just to stay home and put the class on our TV. It feels like you are right in our living room! Kianna just loves Kindermusik and can't wait until Saturday every week. When we told her class was online she said, "Oh, just like my sister's school!" It's been so easy and so nice being able to continue her music journey with teacher Heather!"
- Jaime
"Is it worthwhile? Absolutely. My boy's face lights up just before class. His fine motor skillls have improved by writing music and playing (instruments). Is it fun? Teacher Heather is so creative. My daughter loves to be silly and pretend. She laughs a lot and that makes my day. Music is therapeutic. Keeps our family strong and optimistic through difficult moments of uncertainty."
- Kareena
"Some of the things I especially enjoyed about the online Kindermusik classes: It provided the opportunity to have intentional music play time with my son. And it encouraged me (and provided resources like the cd, online music library, and instruments) to incoporate music into our daily routines."
- Lauren